BMW Enthusiast's Companion

Owner insights on driving, performance, and service for mid-'90s and earlier BMWs

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The BMW Enthusiast's Companion is an extensive selection of articles from 25 years worth of Roundel: The Magazine of the BMW CCA. This popular book has a collection of articles on driving, performance, service, and tech tips - all in a single book!

The BMW Enthusiast's Companion is as a valuable maintenance guide, performance handbook, and technical reference source for older BMWs (mid-'90s and earlier), and it can help you understand and care for your BMW.

BMW owners and BMW CCA members

provide specific information for your BMW:

  • Valuable insights and technical information ranging from basic service
    tips to advanced driving theory

  • Inside secrets on maintaining and preserving your BMW, from properly
    washing and waxing your car, to how to reset the service indicator lights

  • Driving techniques ranging from basic car control to choosing apexes on
    the track

  • Discover whether your car oversteers or understeers, and how weight
    transfer affects traction and vehicle performance

  • Learn the difference between torque and horsepower, and how to select the
    right tires for your BMW

  • Find out which performance modifications work, which ones don't and why

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