This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 51247296775 (51 24 7 296 775) and is described as a rear trunk shock for the I01 i3 electric car. This is a single rear gas strut that holds up the rear hatch and keeps it from slamming closed. Sold per strut.
This part is manufactured by an aftermarket supplier of European auto parts, including many body accessories. While not carrying OEM status, this part follows the design of the original very closely and uses similar materials. An aftermarket part may even have the same TUV approval as its OEM counterpart. The brand may even be OEM to another manufacturer besides BMW. This aftermarket brand has a two year warranty - the same as Genuine BMW and OEM brands.
For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us at 877-639-9648.
BMW Fitments:
i Series
I01 i3 (2014-2022) > i3 60Ah
I01 i3 (2014-2022) > i3 60Ah Rex
I01 i3 (2014-2022) > i3 94Ah
I01 i3 (2014-2022) > i3 94Ah Rex