This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 34211165257 (34-21-1-165-257) and is described as Rear Brake Disk (300X12) for E32 735i and 735iL (1989, 1990 , 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994).
Supersedes the following BMW part numbers: 34211157360 (34-21-1-157-360) 34211155499 (34-21-1-155-499)
For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us at 877-639-9648.
BMW Fitments:
7 Series E32 (88-94) > 735i E32 (88-94) > 735iL
Rear Brake Rotor - E32 735i & 735iL (1989-1994)
OEM Rear Brake Disc with zinc coating