This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 11311280960 (11 31 1 280 960) and is described as the pin that the timing belt tensioner stops against on the M20 engine used in E21 323i, E30 325e/325i, E28 528e, and E34 525i. This pin is essential for guiding and supporting the timing belt tensioner. These do not typically wear out or require a replacement but any wear on the shaft will lead to the tensioner slacking more than it should.
For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us at 877-639-9648.
BMW Fitments:
3 Series
E21 (75-83) > 323i
3 Series
E30 (84-91) > 325e
E30 (84-91) > 325es
E30 (84-91) > 325i
E30 (84-91) > 325is
E30 (84-91) > 325ix
5 Series
E28 (82-88) > 528e
5 Series
E34 (89-95) > 525i M20