N20/N26 Turbo Oil Supply Pipe, Updated - 228i/320i/328i/428i/528i, X3/X4, Z4

Updated oil feed line from BMW, with check valve. Replaces BMW part #11428626652 or 11427588933.

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This is the latest oil supply line for the N20 turbo used in the 2012-2016 F22 228i, F30 320i/328i, F32 428i, F10 528i, X1, X3, X4, and Z4 28i models. The original pipe design could allow a few drops of oil to flow back into the turbo housing when the engine was shut off, which would then burn away when the engine was restarted. A telltale sign of this happening is blue smoke coming from the tailpipe for the first minute or so after the engine is started. Not only is this an oil leak/waste of oil but it's also damaging to your catalytic converter and bad for vehicle emissions. BMW will replace the oil line under the emissions warranty but when you're out of warranty or when replacing your turbo (such as with the MHI Big Turbo) a new oil line is required. New o-ring seals are included.

This is the latest updated design from BMW and incorporates a check valve so oil cannot leak back through the line. This part number replaces previous versions 11428648368, 11428626652, and 11427588933. It's a Genuine BMW part for the best fitment and original performance.

BMW Fitments:
2 Series
F22 / F23 (2014-2021) > 228i
F22 / F23 (2014-2021) > 228i xDrive
3 Series
F30 / F31 / F34 (2012-2019) > 320i
F30 / F31 / F34 (2012-2019) > 320i xDrive
F30 / F31 / F34 (2012-2019) > 328i
F30 / F31 / F34 (2012-2019) > 328i xDrive
4 Series
F32 / F33 / F36 (14-20) > 428i
F32 / F33 / F36 (14-20) > 428i xDrive
5 Series
F10 / F11 (11-16) > 528i N20 (2012-2016)
F10 / F11 (11-16) > 528i xDrive N20 (2012-2016)
X1 Series
E84 X1 (2013-2015) > X1 28i
E84 X1 (2013-2015) > X1 28i xDrive
X3 Series
F25 X3 (2011-2017) > X3 sDrive28i
F25 X3 (2011-2017) > X3 xDrive28i
X4 Series
F26 X4 (2015-2018) > X4 28i xDrive
Z Series
E89 Z4 (2009-2016) > Z4 sDrive28i
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