This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 33521126680 (33-52-1-126-680) and is described as Rear Shock Mount (RSM) for E28 5 series (1982-1988) including 528e, 533i, and 535i as well as E24 633csi / 635csi.
Supersedes the following BMW part numbers:
33521125650 (33-52-1-125-650)
33521124497 (33-52-1-124-497)
For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us at 877-639-9648.
BMW Fitments:
5 Series
E28 (82-88) > 524td
E28 (82-88) > 528e
E28 (82-88) > 533i
E28 (82-88) > 535i
6 Series
E24 (77-89) > 633CSi
E24 (77-89) > 635CSi