This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 32103444368 (32 10 3 444 368) and is described as a Steering Rack for E83 X3.
This is a rebuilt/remanufactured X3 steering rack. The original is completely disassembled, thoroughly cleaned and de-greased, any worn or unusable parts are replaced, and then the unit is re-assembled using all new seals, bushings, cleaned and chased threaded holes, and new hardware. The new assembly is then pressure-tested and inspected before being signed off by their quality-assurance staff. The rebuilt part you receive is equal to a new original in all respects but at a much lower cost. A two year warranty is included, the same as with a new part. Rebuilding original hard parts by only replacing the "soft" components keeps the final purchase price low. If new housings and components had to be manufactured the final price would be much higher and be a waste of resources. Re-usable cores helps keep the market price for replacement parts low. A core charge will apply which may be refunded upon the return of your used original unit.
A core charge applies to this purchase. Price shown includes the $1,650.00 core charge. The supply of original parts for rebuilding keeps the final purchase price low. The core must match the part that was supplied in terms of fitment, type, application, accessories, and hardware. Damaged or modified cores will not receive a refund. A core charge can only be refunded once the core has been inspected and approved. Click here for our Core Policy.
This is a Genuine BMW X3 steering rack with a two year warranty. Buying a Genuine part will usually be more expensive than an OEM or aftermarket brand but you are assured that it meets BMW's designs for fitment, performance, and longevity. It will also be the very latest design, incorporating any updates or revisions that an aftermarket brand typically will ignore.
For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us at 877-639-9648.
BMW Fitments:
X3 Series
E83 X3 (04-10) > X3 2.5i M54 (2004-2005)
E83 X3 (04-10) > X3 3.0i M54 (2004-2006)
E83 X3 (04-10) > X3 3.0si N52 (2007-2010)